Success syn
Success syn

success syn success syn

I was drinking a lot of water (probably about a gallon a day) along with metamucil and some cranberry pills a few times a day along with working out every day and did this up until the day before my drug test, which was a Wednesday. I picked up some Metamucil (read the plant fibers in it would help reroute or flush the toxins or something), some cranberry pills (read it would flush your urinary tract) and a home drug test and was good to go. But I'm a pretty fit guy with a high metabolism so I thought it wouldn't be too hard. Usually I'll smoke every day for a few weeks and then take a break for a couple of weeks to a month or so before picking it back up. I have been smoking on and off for about 5 years. First, I decided just to try and let it run through my system. So after this I started my research for passing drug tests. I figured I had about a week or so before they'd get back to me and then after that I'd have 24 hours to get my drug test. So pretty soon after that I ended up getting a call from the hiring manager for an interview so I immediately stopped smoking AGAIN and had the interview (which went great). But after awhile of not being able to get an interview I kinda gave up and started smoking again. When I first started trying to get the job, I stopped smoking because I knew there would be a pre-employment drug test and I was hoping I could get my system clean. So I had to take a pre-employment urine analysis for this job I really wanted. You don't have to read all of my experience I just thought it might help offer some insight but there's a run-down of the experience at the bottom. What I used was the Monkey Whizz kit from Serious Monkey Bizzness but from what I've seen this, Magnum synthetic urine and Quick Fix are all of the same quality. Hey I know people have done this before but I haven't seen one that's totally recent so I wanted to add a success story using synthetic urine for a drug test.

Success syn